We have been so busy this year at Neetrix that we haven’t even had the chance to say “Happy New Year” to you all, so here it is.
Already this year we have bolted on two new features to Neetrix Contacts; Relationships and external ‘external email accounts’. For those of you who are heavily into referral marketing relationships should be a dream. Looking into the future Neetrix Contacts will allow you to build contact maps, letting you determine the worth of referrals (or any other relationship type).
The new “Email Accounts” section of Neetrix is the first step on the road to a full Neetrix Inbox. Inbox is close to becoming the central place to manage your emails (even from external suppliers like GMail and Google Apps). This will allow you to improve your contact workflows, every email will be matched up with the sender's contact; showing all their details be it tasks, note, jobs, orders or events. We are still reviewing and designing the inbox system, we don’t want to add something that is too expensive or compromises the efficiency of Neetrix.
Since Christmas we at Neetrix have started to embrace social media, you can now find us on all the major social sites:
So please follow, friend and join us so we can start to build Neetrix alongside you our users; and simplify your business!